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About Course

Let’s go through some guidance for your heart connection, I want to guide you on this journey, to let you out of your head and into your heart. In the next 7 lessons, we will explore how the thinking mind keep us trap into cycles of suffering, and as we examine our though patterns, feeling, and body sensations, from there we will explore how to be present, with whatever arises, as we cultivate appreciation for our basic goodness, and find it in others as well.
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What I will learn?

  • Let’s go through some guidance for your heart connection, I want to guide you on this journey, to let you out of your head and into your heart. In the next 7 lessons, we will explore how the thinking mind keep us trap into cycles of suffering, and as we examine our though patterns, feeling, and body sensations, from there we will explore how to be present, with whatever arises, as we cultivate appreciation for our basic goodness, and find it in others as well.

Course Curriculum

Intro to your Heart
This is the place where we can find appreciation and love, and where your inner guidance lives, when your heart is full you can access to the vital mindfulness. let's explore together each levels.

  • What is your heart all about
  • How to heal chakra

1. Finding your heart
Discover the true meaning of presence by practicing simple and effective mindfulness techniques. Together we’ll drop into the heartspace with a guided breathing and meditation session.

2. Break Free
Become the observer of your lived experience. Explore the nature of your thoughts, the reactivity that comes from operating on autopilot, and how mindfulness can create space to respond from a place of compassionate presence.

3. Befriend Your Mind
Explore the concept that thoughts are not facts, and experience the liberation that comes from unattaching to your mental chatter and creating more benevolet thoughts. When we recognize the connection between the thoughts we think, the emotions we feel, the physical sensations that arise within us, and the ways in which we react, we can cultivate a new awareness and truly befriend our minds.

4. Embodiment From the Inside Out
Cultivate presence through experiencing the ever-changing flow of sensations in your body. Explore the relationship between the impermanence of thoughts, emotions and sensations. Practice using a body scan to come into a deeper state of present moment awareness.

5. Heading into the Heartspace
Learn the practice of Head To Heartspace breathing as a way to ground, center, find presence and connect to your basic goodness. Cultivate feelings of gratitude throughout your body as you practice a rhythmic breathing exercise.

6. Gratitude & our 5 senses
We have been deepening our connection to presence, through the connection of life as it flow in us, from breath, to thoughts, to emotions, and now we will bring awarness to our senses.

7. The Heart Energies
Head in the stars, feet in the earth, and heart wide open. Think about this quote, It becomes a powerful senses , like our senses of smell, or of sight, we are able to see and feel with our heart center, your heart chakra is your home of your truest self, your oldest self, your soul self, Let's explore deeper.


A course by

Material Includes

  • - Audio Guided Practices
  • - Excersies
  • - Meditations


Target Audience

  • This course is for people who want to discover and develop natural healing abilities
  • This course is people who want to learn how to use subtle energy to heal blockages, pains, and trauma in the energy body
  • This course is for people who want to create major breakthroughs for others through the power of subtle energy
  • This course is a great opportunity for Reiki practioner to improve their knowledge in energies
  • This course is also for people interested in strengthening their intuition
  • This course is also for people who want to start or improve their own healing business

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