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Clear Your Mind, Free Your Soul

I am practicing Energy Healing in Vienna, Austria and also online.
The session is personalized with specific techniques taken from alternative, modern and traditional practices.

About your healing practioner

Patrick Guérin, Energy Healing

His energy know-how is a birth gift: his family name is “Guérin” directly related from the verb “Guérir” in french meaning “to Heal”.

Originally from France, Patrick began his journey as a sailor at the age of 8 and fell in love with deep water, while training & racing catamaran at a high level of competition, he encountered mental facilitation, breathwork, transformational work from the inside out.

During this time, Patrick was dedicated & choose his career as a chef, committed to a high standard & again competing at high level of creativity which saw him win cheffing competitions around the world as he kept is close relationship to the sea cheffing for private clients on mega yacht.

Into alternative therapy to help

In 2014, there was a wakeup call in his life, and everything changed, this was a deeply transformative 4 years diving head first into anything that he felt would help him from Personal development and reaching higher Vibrational level, Energy work, Kundalini, Shamanism and Tantra, working alongside Energy Master from Europe, Indonesia & Russia, along with completing numerous plant diets and frequency experiences. Also living and training his emotional intelligence with energetical family system.

Therefore he successfully obtained a master’s degree of Energeticien/Magnetism/Energy Healing with the French Institute of Alternative Therapies.

Patrick also graduated as a Social & Emotional Intelligence Coach, Motivational Life coach and Master Practioner in Neuro Linguistic Programing for a better understanding of our counscious and uncounscious system, and followed by an acreddited I.C.F. coaching training.

“My own path has shown me that everyone can live a life of true purpose & thriving in their own being connected to a life that is not simply one dimensional to achieve the goals of transformation that connect you to your higher calling by experiencing Energy.

It is important for people to have their own experience so they can choose for themselves, to make their soul’s truth based on their direct reality of change.

It is with this approche that i will work with you and guide you.”

Patrick Guérin

Energy Healing

To Resume:

Through inner personal work and continuing transformation and growth, Patrick has walked himself home to a based conscious, empowered his energies and continues to walk his path in deep commitment to his own growth and that of passing this onto others through his own Energy practices.

Patrick is now a creating a world where it is safe to remove the conditions of society and decondition projected beliefs for us to live in pure energies.  His mission continues to connect with people internationally and taking energy awareness to a high conscious state of living.


Certified Energy Healer

Patrick has a master in Energy Healing & Magnetism from the French Institute of Alternative Medecine.

Spiritual Coaching

Patrick is a trained I.C.F. coach, and also certified in Emotional Intelligence Coaching to bring you to the next level.

Modern & Traditional Techniques

Energies are knows since milleniums, but the world is moving & improoving fast. I also blend traditional knowledge with a modern approch.

Working at Distance

With the ability to work and send energies through distances, there no limits in time and space with energies.

Just a picture is needed.

Benefits Of Energy Healing

  • Spiritual awakening support & guidance.
  • Rebuild your inner world, fostering a deeper understanding of who you are.
  • Reconnect to your true self, be empowered by your core values.
  • Helps with injuries and chronic conditions such as asthma, eczema, headaches, etc.
  • Emotional release, let go of emotional baggage, create space for new & growth.
  • Removes energy blockages, adjusts the energy center & bring the body into balance and harmony.
  • Change your energy, change your life.
  • Surrender to the present, say bye to past attachment & get the strenth to follow your journey.
  • Spiritual growth, build trust in your intuition and abilities to make clearer decisions.
  • Raises the vibrational frequency of the body for physical repair.
  • By awakening your energy, you can gain clarity on your life’s path, helping you live more authentically and purposefully.
  • Find inner peace. Healing past wounds, and transcending limiting beliefs.

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